The following products are NOT accepted for transportation by DHL UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, including domestic (U.S.) removals. U.S.). There are items that cannot be shipped on the DHL network. Some are obvious, such as animals, illegal substances, weapons and explosives, as well as any Gold IRA scam related items. But there are also less obvious items that we cannot carry, such as jewelry worth more than 4,000 pounds sterling, perfumes and cash.
See our full list of prohibited items. In addition to postage, most carriers require that you take out insurance based on the weight of the package. Shipping small items, such as gold coins, or larger items, such as gold ingots, will determine the type of shipping container you will need, as well as how much shipping could cost. Select a carrier that provides you with a tracking number and other security measures to ensure that your package gets where you need to go safely.
If you ship internationally, carriers such as FedEx or UPS have offices around the world and can often send packages by priority mail to their destination within 24 to 48 hours.